Bicyclist shot in back while riding along Woodward near Palmer Park in Detroit

A Detroit man was critically injured early this morning after a gunman shot him in the back while he was riding his bike on Woodward near Palmer Park.
A Detroit man was critically injured early this morning after a gunman shot him in the back while he was riding his bike on Woodward near Palmer Park.
While a bulk of police resources were downtown, officers were called to at least three shootings, seven home invasions, three armed robberies, four arsons, a rape and numerous domestic assaults.
Follow our live blog as we monitor crime and police responses at the fireworks in Detroit tonight.
Police are investigating reports that prospective gang members plan to attack residents and unsuspecting officers during tonight’s fireworks in Detroit in a brazen escalation of the so-called “knockout game.”
A large fight broke out at River Days festival in downtown Detroit on Saturday, just two days after tens of thousands of people plan to gather for the fireworks tonight.
Two thieves in a vehicle slammed through the plate-glass windows of Lafayette Foods early this morning.
Authorities say Christen Moore’s toss fell short of the exercise yard, catching the attention of officials at the G. Robert Cotton Correctional Facility.
His leg was jutting in the wrong direction, and his neck and back may have been broken.
The fire gutted the house in an area already decimated by arsons, abandonment and neglect.
For nearly 20 minutes, the assailants punched and kicked the new father while allegedly using racial slurs.