Video: Demo crews raze Eastown Theatre’s legendary stage

A demolition crew toppled the stage and interior of the once-elegant Eastown Theatre on Detroit’s east side on Tuesday, bringing down power lines with it.
A demolition crew toppled the stage and interior of the once-elegant Eastown Theatre on Detroit’s east side on Tuesday, bringing down power lines with it.
The city of Detroit painted a wildly inaccurate and misleading picture of the fire crisis through a public database that was supposed to create transparency.
A large claw poked through the stage of the once-celebrated theater on Detroit’s east side today.
The 91-year-old man was dead when firefighters found him inside his house.
“I have a victim in the rear stairwell,” a firefighter radioed to the chief.
Firefighters tried to resuscitate the captain of the fire boat.
Sgt. Vince Smith was found dead in his firehouse.
The Eastown Theatre was one of Detroit’s most elegant movie palaces and later a premier rock venue during the psychedelic era.
Author Aaron Foley offers “advice on everything from buying and rehabbing a house to not sounding like a completely uninformed racist when you talk to a black person.”
Just days after we requested overtime records, Detroit launched a fraud investigation into the scheme.