Driver viciously beaten after accidentally hitting child in Detroit; he may not survive
The attack is one reason some drivers are afraid to stop in Detroit after an accident.
The attack is one reason some drivers are afraid to stop in Detroit after an accident.
New Police Chief James Craig is immune from public pressure and accountability because he was selected by state-appointed Emergency Manager Kevyn Orr.
Highland Park firefighters were overmatched by the three-house blaze on Tuxedo.
The 104-year-old building was popular on Tumblr, Instagram and Facebook.
At least two residents were injured and waited more than a half hour for paramedics. takes you on a journey of Detroit’s good times and bad times.
Photographer Emily Lockhart’s project, “Detroit: An Activist,” offers a closeup glimpse of the human struggle.
The slow-burning candles also support environmental programs for Detroit children.
The creatively arranged shop offers watches, journals, bikes, shoe polish, iPad covers, U.S. flags, footballs, photography books and leather-covered bike locks.
More than half of the buildings on Gratiot Ave. in Detroit are abandoned.