Columnist: Michigan Democratic Party deserves better leadership than Mark Brewer after Right-to-Work blunder

Seems like every time Brewer fails on a statewide level, he gets more job security. His failures are many.
Seems like every time Brewer fails on a statewide level, he gets more job security. His failures are many.
The City of Detroit is at it again. One step forward, two steps back. Everyone knows the City of Detroit needs every penny it can get. What some do not know is that there are divisions within Detroit’s departments that are charged with generating revenue. One would think that those departments and divisions would be […]
In an era of declining municipal revenue, it would appear George Orwell is alive and well. How else can you explain the logic of asking for more money from homeowners for the arts when budgets for core services like public safety, schools, and badly needed infrastructure repair are being cut back year after year? The […]
Greg Murray, Editorial columnist Around this time several years ago, a group of so-called captains of industry (see former Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick separation fund managers) gathered at an annual organizational meeting – or what some would call a strategy meeting – to determine who would run Detroit. Their champion then was a “transitional” figure with a […]
By Editorial Columnist Greg Murray Over the last several weeks, I have made several calls to the Michigan Tax Association regarding the potential violations of the Headlee Amendment within the so called “consent agreement” between the state and the city of Detroit. I have gotten zero response from this “advocacy” organization. Leon Drolet, the chair […]
By Editorial Columnist Greg Murray On Tuesday, May 1, 2012, I appeared before the Detroit City Council to share my belief that the so-called “consent” agreement between the state and Detroit actually violates the Headlee Amendment. It is my position that the “consent” agreement included unconditional terms Detroit had no choice but to acquiesce to. One […]