Dirty money & lies: Mayor Duggan behind controversial, misleading nonprofit

Mayor Mike Duggan is treading on dangerous territory.
Mayor Mike Duggan is treading on dangerous territory.
While there were slightly fewer fires in 2015, arsons and destructive blazes took a nosedive this year, marking a decades-long record.
Houdini’s body was embalmed and stored at the funeral home in a bronze coffin with a glass lid, which Houdini wanted to use as a prop for his magic shows.
One firefighter was injured, and a puppy was saved from a burning house.
Traditionally, Devils’ Night fires peak from late Oct. 30 to early Halloween.
It began innocently enough: Young pranksters draped toilet paper on trees and threw eggs at houses in Detroit.
That’s equivalent to 80,300 Olympic-size pools filled with raw and partially treated sewage.
A man of two sides, Pugh could be charming, temperamental, progressive, juvenile.
The city also is expected to being getting new ladder trucks, platforms, squads, ambulances and arson vehicles next year.
An irate man wielding a knife chased away photographers and threatened Detroit firefighters Tuesday night.