30 photos: Costumed revelers chase away evil Nain Rouge in the Cass Corridor

Thousands of colorfully costumed revelers turned out for the annual Marche du Nain Rouge in the Cass Corridor on Sunday.
Thousands of colorfully costumed revelers turned out for the annual Marche du Nain Rouge in the Cass Corridor on Sunday.
For the past three years, Motor City Muckraker photographed fires in Detroit as part of a project to reveal the widespread damage caused by the city’s arson epidemic.
An interactive map shows where each of the 10,000 fires occurred between 2013 and 2015.
Rep. Cummings called Snyder’s team a “vindictive administration” mired in “utter incompetence.”
The Kalamazoo man who blamed his deadly shooting spree on a possessed Uber app is suing the ride-sharing company for $10 million.
Congressional members expressed outrage Tuesday over the grave mishandling of the Flint water crisis, saying government at all levels failed residents.
An internal Environmental Protection Agency memo suggested federal officials didn’t think Flint was worth helping.
The Kalamazoo killer said the Uber app resembled a “devil” with a “horned cow head.”
Demonstrators forced segregationist George Wallace to cut his speech short at Cobo hall in Detroit in 1968.
Three people were charged Friday in connection with the brutal murder of Detroit firefighter David Madrigal.