Time:12:59 a.m.
Address: 3107 S. Annabelle
Building type: House
Occupancy: Vacant
Preliminary cause: Kids with matches
Details: Fire reported in a vacant house, and EMS was called for standby. Upon arrival, firefighters reported seeing heavy smoke in the area. A small fire was found inside a vacant house, and it was handled by the first arriving engine.
Companies: E48
Time: 1:59 a.m.
Address: 3983 Three Mile Dr.
Building type: House
Occupancy: Vacant
Preliminary cause: Suspicious
Details: Firefighters took a defensive posture on this two-story house, focusing their efforts on protecting the neighboring houses. An extra company was called.
Companies: E52, C9, S6, L31, E58, E50
Fire out: 3:21 a.m.
Time: 2:32 a.m.
Address: 19944 Omira
Building type: House
Occupancy: Vacant
Preliminary cause: Suspicious
Details: Fire was ripping through the house when firefighters arrived.
Companies: C8, S5, E34, E56, L18, E35, HPE2
Fire out: 3:07 a.m.
Companies clear scene: 4:03 .m.
Rehab time: 55 minutes
Time: 12:25 p.m.
Address: 4735 Rohns
Building type: Apartment
Occupancy: Occupied
Preliminary cause: Unknown
Details: EMS was requested for standby. Ladder 6 took nearly 10 minutes to arrive. The chief called a second alarm at 12:36 p.m. At 12:39 p.m., firefighters were told all occupants were out of the apartment. At 12:42 p.m., firefighters knocked down a fire in the attic. The chief declared the fire was under control at 12:51 p.m.
Companies: E41, E9, S3, L6, C6, E46, E52
Fire out: 1:15 p.m.
Companies clear scene: 1:25 p.m.
Rehab time: 30 minute
Time: 3:50 p.m.
Address: 1464 Webb
Building type: Apartment
Occupancy: Vacant
Preliminary cause: Unknown
Details: Fire reported on the third floor of an apartment. Firefighters saw smoke coming from the third floor. EMS was requested for standby. Firefighters reported they had the fire knocked down at 4:02 p.m. Heavy smoke was still coming from the third floor several minutes later. Firefighters said the fire was predominately confined to one apartment.
Companies: E40, HPE2, L17, C5, S5
Time: 4:54 p.m.
Address: 6701 W. Fort
Building type: School
Occupancy: Vacant
Preliminary cause: Suspicious
Details: Reported as smoking coming from the windows of Southeastern High School, which has been set afire several times over the past two years. A small fire was found and extinguished.
Companies: C7, E27, L8, E29, S4
Fire out: 5:12 p.m.
Companies clear scene:
Rehab time: 30 minutes
Time:12:52 a.m.
Address: 12012 Chelsea
Building type: House
Preliminary cause: Suspicious
Details: Chief 9 reported a fire in a single-family dwelling and requested EMS for standby and an extra company for manpower. The chief reported the fire was under control at 1:25 a.m.
Companies: S6, C9, E46, L23, E50, E58

Time: 1:40 a.m.
Address: 4174 Lakewood
Preliminary cause: Unknown
Details: Originally reported as Lakepointe, the fire was on Lakewood. Firefighters started going back to their quarters when dispatchers said the fire was on Lakewood. An additional company was requested for manpower at 1:49 a.m. Firefighters made an interior attack. At 1:55 a.m., firefighters reported that the fire was going through the roof. At 2:08 a.m., the chief said the house appeared to be vacant but a search had not been done yet. The chief requested an arson investigator, saying, “This is the second suspicious fire on this block in two days.” A firefighter checking the house found evidence that squatters were living at the house. “There was somebody in here,” the firefighter said.
Companies: E41, E52, L31, C6, S3, E9
Fire out: 2:47 a.m.
Rehab time: 45 minutes

Time: 2:50 a.m.
Address: 9734 Chalmers
Building type: Apartment
Occupancy: Vacant
Preliminary cause: Suspicious
Details: Fire was inside a one-story apartment. The chief reported the fire was under control at 3:10 a.m.
Companies: E50, L23, S6, C9, E17
Fire out: 3:02
Companies clear scene: 3:41 a.m.
Rehab time: 30 minutes
Time: 3:35 a.m.
Address: 7435 Hanover
Building type: House
Occupancy: Unknown
Preliminary cause: The house was engulfed when firefighters arrived.
Details: The chief called for a working aerial ladder because Ladder 7 didn’t have one. Ladder 17 was called.
Damage: Major
Companies: C5, E17, S4, E39, L7 (doesn’t have working aerial), L17 (has working aerial), E42
Companies clear scene: 6:51 a.m.
Rehab time: 1 hour
Time: 4:05 a.m.
Address: 4724 Cecil
Building type: House
Occupancy: Occupied
Preliminary cause:
Details: Firefighters found the rear of a two-flat ablaze and called for EMS for standby. An additional two companies were sent. The fire caused power lines to collapse, prompting a call for DTE. The chief reporting making progress at 4:27 a.m.
Companies: E34, S2, E33, E27, C7, E39, L22
Fire out: 4:56 a.m.
Time: 6:05 a.m.
Address: 9431 Beaconsfield
Building type: House
Occupancy: Occupied
Preliminary cause: Unknown
Details: EMS was requested because of a possible occupied house. The chief requested an extra company for manpower at 6:10 a.m. Chief 9 reported making progressing at 6:31 a.m.
Damage: Moderate
Companies: E50, E58, L23, S6, C9, E52
Fire out: 6:36 a.m.
Companies clear scene: 7:04 a.m.
Time: 12:22 p.m.
Address: 12731 Kilbourne
Building type: House
Occupancy: Occupied
Preliminary cause:
Details: EMS was requested for a possible occupied house. The chief asked for an additional company. Firefighters completed a search of the house at 12:41 p.m.
Damage: Moderate
Companies: E46, E50, L23, S6, C9
Companies clear scene: 1:08 a.m.

Time: 2:17 p.m.
Address: 5042 Three Mile Dr.
Building type: House
Preliminary cause: Suspicious
Details: Firefighters could see the smoke from a distance. A house was nearly engulfed when firefighters arrived. At 2:33 p.m., firefighters were punching holes in the roof. Other firefighters were making an interior attack. At 2:36 p.m., cars running over the hoses broke one hose because police had not arrived to control traffic. A complete search of the house was made.
Companies: S6, E58, C6, L31, E52, E41
Companies clear scene: 3:15 p.m.
Time: 5:17 p.m.
Address: 5049 Coplin
Building type: House
Occupancy: Occupied
Preliminary cause: Suspicious
Details: The first arriving engine quickly began dousing fire in an occupied, multi-family house. Firefighters were warned that people may still be inside. At 5:24 p.m., police were requested for traffic control. EMS was sent for standby. Firefighters reported that the fire was confined to the second floor. A search of the house was completed by 5:36 p.m.
Damage: Major
Companies: S6, C6, E41, E52, L31, E58
Companies clear scene: 6:17 p.m.
Rehab time: 40 minutes
Time: 5:34 p.m.
Address: 6280 Holcomb
Building type: House
Occupancy: Vacant
Preliminary cause: Suspicious
Details: The vacant house was engulfed when firefighters arrived. The chief took “a defensive posture,” protecting the neighboring houses and fighting the vacant house fire from a safe distance.
Damage: Moderate
Companies: E46, E50, S3, L23, C1
Time: 5:49 p.m.
Address: 14085 Mark Twain
Building type: House
Occupancy: Occupied
Preliminary cause: Electrical
Details: Firefighters arrived to an occupied, two-story house and called for EMS for standby and two extra companies for manpower. But firefighters quickly got the fire under control and called off the extra manpower. At 6:18, firefighters completed a search of the house and found no victims.
Damage: 054
Companies: E30, E40, C4, L25, S1, L17
Fire out: 6:4p.m.
Companies clear scene: 6:55 p.m.
Rehab time: 30 minutes

Time: 11:45 p.m.
Address: 8111 McGraw
Building type: Commercial
Occupancy: Occupied
Preliminary cause: Suspicious
Details: The first arriving firefighters reported seeing smoke coming from what appeared to be a tire shop, 50′ by 100.’ Firefighters requested police for traffic control. A firefighter was injured and taken to the hospital by the chief.
Damage: Major
Companies: L22, C7, E34, E42, S3, E27, E33
Fire out: 1:04 a.m.
Companies clear scene: 1:21 a.m.
Rehab time: 40 minutes
Time: 10:56 a.m.
Address: 11600 Meyers
Building type: Gas station
Occupancy: Vacant
Preliminary cause: Suspicious
Details: An engine and police were called to check on a fire at an abandoned gas station. Firefighters asked for Ladder 27 for its fan.
Damage: Minor
Companies: L27, E42
Time: 12:12 p.m.
Address: 8517 Intervale
Building type: House
Occupancy: Occupied
Preliminary cause: Discarded cigarette
Details: Fire in a bedroom.
Damage: Minor
Companies: E30, E40, E42, L17, S5, C8
Fire out: 12:35 p.m.
Companies clear scene: 12:47 p.m.
Time: 10:32 p.m.
Address: 14495 Flanders
Building type: House
Occupancy: Vacant
Preliminary cause: Suspicious
Details: Arriving firefighters reported a fire in a vacant, 1.5-story house. Firefighters made an interior attack. The chief said the fire was under control at 10:42 p.m.
Companies: E50, L23, C9, E58, S6
Time: 11:24 p.m.
Address: 20259 Derby & 20239 Derby
Building type: 2 houses
Occupancy: Vacant
Preliminary cause: Suspicious
Details: The chief reported two house fires less than a block of each other, one at the corner of Derby and Winchester and another four houses south. The chief requested extra companies, including another a chief and ladder truck. At 11:45 p.m., the chief reported both house fires were under control. The fire in the house on the corner was out at 11:51 p.m., and a search of the house found no victims. Firefighters couldn’t search the basement because it was flooded and iced over. At 12:11 a.m., firefighters searched the second house and found no victims. Firefighters found 15-16 propane tanks in one of the houses. It’s the same neighborhood where a man was fatally shot over the weekend.
Companies: E44, E56, C8, E40, S5, L18, L17, E35, HPE2, S3, C5
Companies clear scene: 1:00 a.m.
Time: 11:37 p.m.
Address: 6477 Colfax
Building type: House
Occupancy: Vacant
Preliminary cause: Suspicious
Details: The first arriving engine and ladder truck handled a small fire.
Damage: Minor
Companies: E34, L22
Companies clear scene: 11:49 p.m.
Time: 10:57 a.m.
Address: 211 Richton
Building type: House
Occupancy: Vacant
Preliminary cause: Suspicious
Details: Firefighters arrived to a fire in a two-story house.
Damage: Moderate
Companies: E39, HPE2, HPL1, S3, HPC3
Time: 5:17 p.m.
Address: 15791 Steel
Building type: House
Preliminary cause: Suspicious
Details: Originally a box alarm, the first arriving engine and ladder truck handled the fire in a house.
Damage: Minor
Companies: L25, E30
Time: 7:11 p.m.
Address: 16252 Mendota
Building type: House
Occupancy: Major
Preliminary cause: Suspicious
Details: Firefighters arrived to fire in a 2-story house and requested an extra company. The house collapsed.
Damage: Collapsed
Companies: L17, E30, L25, E59, C8
Fire out: 8:04 p.m.
Rehab time: 45 minutes
Time: 7:56 p.m.
Address: 13451 Keystone
Building type: House
Occupancy: Vacant
Preliminary cause: Suspicious
Details: The first floor was engulfed when firefighters arrived.
Damage: Major
Companies: C9, S3, L18, E56, HME1
Companies clear scene: 8:29 p.m.
Rehab time: 15 minutes

Time: 8:05 p.m.
Address: 122 W. Elizabeth
Building type: Apartments
Occupancy: Occupied
Preliminary cause: Suspicious
Details: A fire was reported in an apartment complex in downtown Detroit. Firefighters were told a person was reportedly trapped on the third floor. Arriving firefighters said smoke was coming from a rear window. Firefighters extinguished the fire on the first floor with a hose connected to the pumper. One person was injured. The suspect was identified as someone who had recently been evicted. At 9:26 p.m., an arson investigator requested police. The chief reported the fire was under control at 10:13 p.m.
Damage: Minor
Companies: L20, S2, E1, E9, C1
Time: 9:00 p.m.
Address: 8101 Fenkell
Building type: Commercial
Occupancy: Occupied
Preliminary cause: Suspicious
Details: Firefighters reported fire was coming through the roof at 9:19 p.m. The chief ordered everyone out of the building and off the roof. The chief requested an arson investigator, but none was available. The storeowner said he knew who started the fire. At 9:47 p.m., the chief said he was sending firefighters into the building to check on the fire. At 11:05 p.m., Ladder 18 requested arson investigators again, but they were not available, so firefighters took a report from the owners about the suspect or suspects.
Damage: Major
Companies: C8, L18, HPE2, E44
Time: 9:58 p.m.
Address: 7251 Mansfield
Building type: House
Preliminary cause: Unknown
Details: Fire in a two-story house. The chief requested an extra company and EMS for standby at 10:02 p.m.
Damage: Major
Companies: L27, S4, E55, C2, E34
Fire out: 10:42 p.m.
Companies clear scene: 11:04 p.m.

Time: 12:59 a.m.
Address: 7476 Wykes
Building type: House
Occupancy: Occupied
Preliminary cause: Suspicious
Details: Firefighters attacked a fire inside a two-story house and requested an extra company and EMS for standby. The chief took about 15 minutes to arrive. About two minutes later, the chief told everyone to exit the house. After a few minutes of aerial operations, the chief prepared for an interior attack. At 1:44 a.m., the chief reported making progress.
Damage: Major
Companies: E42, S4, L22, E34, E39
Fire out: 2:31 a.m.
Companies clear scene: 3:02 a.m.
Rehab time: 45 minutes
Time: 2:13 a.m.
Address: 18515 Pinehurst
Building type: Garage and house
Preliminary cause: Suspicious
Details: Dispatch called an engine and ladder truck to check on a possible garage fire. When firefighters arrived a few minutes later, the garage fire had spread to the rear of the house. A box alarm was called at 2:18 a.m.
Companies: E30, L18, C4, E59, S5
Companies clear scene: 3:41 a.m.

Time: 2:52 a.m.
Address: 12399 Maine, 12393 Maine and 12405 Maine
Building type: 3 houses
Occupancy: Vacant
Preliminary cause: Suspicious
Details: The house was nearly engulfed when firefighters arrived. They took a defensive posture, which means firefighters attacked the fire from a distance and protected the neighboring houses. The hydrant was problematic and didn’t provide enough water pressure.
Damage: Major
Companies: L17, C8, E56, S3, HME1

Time: 4:27 a.m.
Address: 1434 Canton, 1426 Canton
Building type: 3 houses
Preliminary cause: Suspicious
Details: Firefighters arrived to a house engulfed in flames and made an exterior attack. EMS and two extra companies were sent. The chief reported at 4:34 a.m. that three houses were on fire. At 4:40 a.m., firefighters said they were getting no pressure from a hydrant. At 6:51 a.m., the chief said a search was not possible in one of the houses because it collapsed.
Damage: Major
Companies: S3, C1, E9, E41, L6, E1, E46
Relief companies: S2
Time: 7:33 a.m.
Address: 14433 Tacoma
Building type: House
Occupancy: Vacant
Preliminary cause: Suspicious
Details: Fire burned the porch and living room. Handled by the first arriving engine and truck.
Damage: Moderate
Companies: L23, E60
Time: 9:49 a.m.
Address: 1445 E. Kirby
Building type: Commercial
Occupancy: Under renovation
Preliminary cause: 035
Details: An engine and ladder truck were called for a “rubbish fire.” When firefighters saw the plume of smoke, they called for a box alarm. Ladder 7 didn’t have a working aerial, so Ladder 20 was also called. The fire was in a warehouse that was under renovation. Embers from a cutting torch started the fire. Firefighters made an aerial attack for more than 90 minutes.
Damage: Major
Companies: E17, L7, E35, C1, S3, L20
Fire out: 11:57 a.m.
Time: 11:05 p.m.
Address: 15244 Evanston
Building type: House
Occupancy: Vacant
Preliminary cause: Suspicious
Details: Arriving firefighters requested two additional companies for heavy fire in a vacant house.
Damage: Major
Companies: S6, C9, E52, E58, L31, E46, E50
Companies clear scene: 11:47 p.m.
Time: 12:41 a.m.
Address: 19201 Votrobeck
Building type: House
Preliminary cause: Suspicious
Details: The fire was in the rear of the house and tough to reach at first. A complete search of the house was finished by 1:15 a.m.
Damage: Moderate
Companies: C4, L26, E54, S1, E59
Time: 2:05 a.m.
Address: 7783 Evergreen
Building type: House
Occupancy: Vacant
Preliminary cause: Suspicious
Details: Small fire in a vacant house.
Damage: Minor
Companies: E55, L27, E57
Companies clear scene: 2:31 a.m.

Time: 2:27 a.m.
Address: 2724 Norman, 2730 Norman & 2712 Norman
Building type: House
Occupancy: Vacant
Preliminary cause: Suspicious
Details: Collapsed
Damage: Firefighters were unable to save the house because it was nearly engulfed when they arrived. They took a defensive posture, focusing on protecting the neighboring houses, both of which were damaged. At 2:55 a.m., the chief requested an arson investigator because some of the neighbors witnessed the arson. “Unless you speak Spanish, I can’t really understand what they are saying,” the chief told the arson investigator, who drove out to the scene. The chief left the scene at 3:20 a.m. Firefighters warned dispatchers that the house was a “vacant, dangerous building” that needed to be torn down because it was leaning on a neighboring home at 2730 Norman. The house was demolished later in the evening or the next day.
Companies: S4, L22, C7, E27, E33
Time: 3:01 p.m.
Address: 27 Edgevale St.
Building type: House
Occupancy: Vacant
Preliminary cause: Suspicious
Details: Engine 44 arrived within 3 minutes of being dispatched and found heavy fire in a 1-story house. Another company was requested
Damage: Major
Companies: S5, L18, C8, HPE2, E44, E35
Fire out: 3:33 p.m.
Companies clear scene: 4:02 p.m.
Rehab time: 45 minutes

Time: 3:05 p.m.
Address: 17189 Conley
Building type: House
Occupancy: Occupied
Preliminary cause: Accelerant
Details: Dispatchers originally called Hamtramck Ladder 1, but it was not available. Ladder 23 was called at 3:08 p.m. The fire was caused by an accelerant and caused significant damage.
Damage: Major
Companies: E56, S3, HME1, C9, L23,
Fire out: 3:34 p.m.
Companies clear scene:
Rehab time: 25 minutes
Time: 4:14 p.m.
Address: 11360 Ohio
Building type: House
Occupancy: Vacant
Details: Small fire in the rear of the house. Firefighters initially thought the fire may have been a rekindle since the house was already severely fired damaged.
Damage: Minor
Companies: E41, L17
Time: 5:22 p.m.
Address: 11150 Morang
Building type: Apartment
Occupancy: Occupied
Preliminary cause: Kitchen fire
Details: EMS requested because of “possibly trapped civilians” in apartment 6. At 5:36 p.m., the chief said the fire was under control and that the building was searched for victims.
Damage: Minor
Companies: E50, E58, C9, L23, S6, E52
Fire out: 5:40 p.m.
Companies clear scene: 6:03 p.m.
Rehab time: 20 minutes

Time: 5:46 p.m
Address: 13409 Syracuse & 13403 Syracuse
Building type: 2 houses
Occupancy: Occupied/Vacant
Preliminary cause: Unknown
Details: Firefighters arrived to a raging fire inside an occupied house. Five minutes later, firefighters reported the fire spread to another house.
Damage: Unknown
Companies: S3, E56, L17, C5, HME1, HME3 Extra:, E44, L18, E40, E60,
Fire out: 6:50 p.m.
Companies clear scene: 7:04 p.m.
Time: 9:32 p.m.
Address: 13714 Mapleridge
Building type: House
Occupancy: Occupied
Preliminary cause: Suspicious
Details: Firefighters requested an arson investigator but none was available. A molotov cocktail was found. The arson investigator told firefighters to take the molotov back to quarters. The molotov cocktail broke a front window, and the front interior was “burned up pretty good,” one firefighter said.
Damage: Moderate
Companies: E50, L23
Fire out: 9:59 p.m.
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