Mayor Bing quietly slips out of town, makes his communications expert the acting mayor

Bob Warfield, a former executive at WDIV-TV news, was hired to revamp the city’s two cable stations. But run a $1.1 billion budget?
Bob Warfield, a former executive at WDIV-TV news, was hired to revamp the city’s two cable stations. But run a $1.1 billion budget?
An early morning fire tore through an abandoned housed that served as an art installation at the world-renowned Heidelberg Project on the city’s east side.
A 26-year-old woman was minding her own business at a park on Detroit’s east side Wednesday afternoon when shots rang and struck her while a group of men was arguing.
In the past two years, thousands of sewer and manhole covers have been stolen, creating hazards for unsuspecting pedestrians, motorists and bicyclists. The cast iron lids fetch scofflaws between $10 and $25 at local scrap yards, police said.
On any given night, officers arrive to work with a backlog of cases that would be a priority in most cities. But police are overwhelmed with murders, rapes, aggravated assaults and armed robberies.
These neighborhoods could be any in Detroit – neglected and cluttered with abandoned homes.
Ultimately, this wasn’t a terrible game. The Wings didn’t get outplayed; the Ducks didn’t easily win.
It was another bad night in Detroit: Two dead. Another suspected arson. No law enforcement.
Detroit firefighters began evacuating residents this evening after someone spotted a suspicious gray box with a blinking red light and wires tied to a pole.
The journalist and award-winning documentarian is a wrestling fanatic who has thoroughly documented Detroit’s storied , grungy wrestling scene since boisterous crowds began packing gyms in the 1950s.