‘Stand your ground?’ Detroiter shot dead asking for help in white suburb

Michigan’s “stand your ground” law could cloud the case of Renisha McBride, who was shot in the head with a shotgun.
Michigan’s “stand your ground” law could cloud the case of Renisha McBride, who was shot in the head with a shotgun.
Dearborn police were forced to let the suspects go after DPD failed to pick them up.
At least two people were killed when the gunfire ended at a busy intersection.
Dearborn police said the two men also had outstanding arrest warrants.
The brutal beating of Malice Green drew national outrage in 1992.
I’d try to insert my ballot, but the machine would push it back, returning the error message, “NO DATA AVAILABLE.”
City council refused to protect the building because of false beliefs that the social club was segregated.
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But will the Wayne County treasurer enforce the deadline and invalidate the bid of Chicago-area investor Bill Hults?
Wayne County Clerk Cathy Garrett’s husband isn’t the only family member with a role in Napoleon’s campaign.