Muckraker to become a nonprofit watchdog, but we need your help

Downtown Detroit. Photo by Steve Neavling.

As local newsrooms cut resources for investigative reporting, Motor City Muckraker is increasing its watchdog team to shine a brighter light on corruption, education, poverty, civil rights, criminal justice, health care, immigration and the environment.

But we need your help.

Motor City Muckraker is taking the leap to a nonprofit, non-partisan investigative news site with more reporters devoted to exposing abuses of power, revealing injustices and giving a voice to the people.

The transformation makes us eligible for more funding from grants and foundations, which will enable us to increase the number of journalists pursuing stories that are vital and meaningful to you – the reader.

To make the transformation, we are asking readers for a modest donation. Every dollar will be used on the process of becoming a nonprofit and on expanding our watchdog team so that we are more competitive for grants and foundations. As a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, we will be able to accept tax-deductible donations. 

Click here to make a donation.

Motor City Muckraker was founded six years ago by former Detroit Free Press reporter Steve Neavling, an award-winning investigative journalist who worked up to 80 hours a week to provide meaningful, insightful news to engage readers in the democratic process. Since then, Motor City Muckraker has added contributing reporters and exposed numerous political scandals, dangerous school conditions, neglected neighborhoods, chronically broken fire hydrants, civil rights abuses and the far-reaching impact of chronic poverty.

As an ad-free organization, we can’t do our job without you. 

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Motor City Muckraker’s Steve Neavling on WDIV talking about a multiple-part series on the nation’s streetcars

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Our watch dog team will focus on government, politics, poverty, education, the environment, civil rights, criminal justice, health care, economic development and immigration. We also are launching a mentorship program to train young journalists to become investigative reporters. And we will be hosting forums on issues that are important to you. 

With minimal revenue, our reporting has led to sweeping reforms, federal investigations and a more engaged democracy.

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Here’s a sampling of what we’ve done so far:

In addition to the fundraiser, we are seeking more revenue through sponsorships. For more information, email us at [email protected].

Click here to make a donation.

Steve Neavling

Steve Neavling lives and works in Detroit as an investigative journalist. His stories have uncovered corruption, led to arrests and reforms and prompted FBI investigations.