Google Maps reveals disturbing image of Detroiter holding shotgun where baby was killed

If you look closely at Google Map images, you’re bound to find something out of the ordinary.

And it’s no surprise.  The ubiquitous Google car equipped with cameras captures every moment in good detail as it passes houses, schools, stores and office buildings.

What one meteorologist found while visiting Detroit was quite disturbing – and telling of the city. The image shows five young people on a porch, with one holding a shotgun in the direction of the Google car, at the 18,000 block of Brinker Avenue, on the city’s east side.

CBS Detroit says it’s not just any home; it’s the house where a 1-year-old girl was found dead inside a closet.

What’s unclear is why Google hasn’t blurred out the shotgun, especially since someone took the time to mask the faces of the young people.

Take a look for yourself. Zoom in to see the shotgun.

Google didn’t return a call for comment.

Steve Neavling

Steve Neavling lives and works in Detroit as an investigative journalist. His stories have uncovered corruption, led to arrests and reforms and prompted FBI investigations.